SkyDemon Version History

This page details the significant changes made to all SkyDemon platform products from one version to the next. The release date given generally corresponds to our PC and Android products; the release date for our iOS product may be slightly different due to Apple's approval process.

View changes for:

27 Jun 2024
  • Update of GAR guidance for flights arriving into or departing from the UK (iOS, Android, PC)
  • FIX: A gradual slowdown of chart rendering followed by a crash could happen on older devices (iOS, Android)
28 May 2024
  • FIX: A bug in the last version could cause SkyDemon to crash under certain circumstances (iOS, Android, PC)
22 May 2024
  • Better filtering of NOTAMs based on Item D schedules (iOS, Android, PC)
    You will no longer see NOTAMs in your briefing if their Item D schedule is not active
  • Improvements in efficiency of memory usage and drawing (iOS, Android, PC)
  • Scratchpad contents are now saved to storage, and are accessible post-flight from the Logs menu (iOS, Android)
    Previously, scratchpad contents would be lost if the software was closed. Now the contents are saved until explicitly cleared by the user.
  • In Germany, there is now easier access to the Textual Information document from the VFR AIP for airfields (iOS, Android, PC)
    You will see a new Textual Information option in the Airfields tab for most German airfields with an ICAO identifier
3 Apr 2024
  • The new Explore Heatmap tool allows you to create and explore heatmaps from all your logged flights (iOS, Android)
    Find the new tool under the Logs menu. You will need to have at least 50 logged flights in your SkyDemon cloud.
  • Many improvements to memory consumption, speed of loading data and speed of drawing maps (iOS, Android, PC)
14 Feb 2024
  • Improvements to the High Contrast / Night chart style (iOS, Android, PC)
  • Improvements to speed of switching between full-screen tasks (Android)
    These include PLOG, Logbook, Scratchpad.
  • Improvements to performance while updating charts (iOS, Android, PC)
12 Dec 2023
  • You can now customise the trail left by your aircraft in flight (iOS, Android)
    You can choose between breadcrumbs or a thin line, and change the colour, in the aircraft symbol options.
26 Sep 2023
  • FIS boundaries are now drawn in our maps (iOS, Android, PC)
    This is the first time such boundaries have been drawn in our maps, though the information has always been available elsewhere. They appear as dotted green lines, and can be turned off (if desired) from the Mapping screen.
  • International borders are now highlighted in our maps (iOS, Android, PC)
    These make it easier to see where one country ends and the next begins. In the SkyDemon chart styles they appear as a thick but faded gray line.
  • Airspace activations by NOTAM and AUP are listed in the What's Here screen for the airspace (iOS, Android)
    Previously, these activations were listed in separate parts of the software.
12 Jun 2023
  • Terrain shading and colours have been updated to look better across Europe (iOS, Android, PC)
    This mostly affects our primary chart styles, SkyDemon Terrain and SkyDemon Ground Cover.
  • A list of recent finds is kept in the Search window (iOS, Android)
    This makes it quicker to locate things you successfully found recently.
  • You can now tap the wind in What's Here to see winds aloft at all altitudes (iOS, Android)
    Open the What's Here screen over a wind barb on the map to see more wind data.
  • Improvements to graphical NOTAM depiction in Eastern Europe (iOS, Android, PC)
  • The aircraft CG envelope can now be defined as a moment-mass graph (iOS, Android)
    Previously the only option was to define it as a distance-from-datum-mass graph, but now you have the option to use the style from the aircraft PoH.
4 May 2023
  • GFP file format is now included when you share a route, for Garmin GTN devices (iOS, Android)
  • Virtual Radar has been updated so that while flying, more terrain below you is visible (iOS, Android)
    This works together with the ability to resize virtual radar, so it can be enlarged to show more terrain as required.
  • A sound and speech is now played if you lose the connection to your WiFi traffic receiver (iOS, Android, PC)
    Previously, only the on-screen banner was shown.
30 Mar 2023
  • Improvements to map drawing speed (iOS, Android, PC)
  • Various minor user interface improvements (iOS, Android, PC)
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